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VAQAS Assessment Completed
Update 29.11.23

Update 29.11.23 - we have now received our written VAQAS Summary and we are pleased to advise that we have been nominated for a Welcome accolade; the results will be announced later this year. Well done everyone!

Earlier today (Thursday 23rd November 2023) the museum received the latest ‘mystery shopper’ visit by an assessor from VisitEngland (the national tourism body) to assess the museum for accreditation under the Visitor Attraction Quality Assurance Scheme [VAQAS]

All areas that impact on the visitor experience are included in the assessment, ranging from the museum publicity material, website etc.; the site condition  / facilities; a review of the displays; and right through to the departure from the site.

After the visit a de-brief meeting was held at the museum. The great news is that we passed again and we have retained our status as a VAQAS registered site; this time with an improved set of ratings.

Well done to all our staff and volunteers who have contributed to the museum achieving this important quality standard, which forms an important part of our current assessment under the national Museum Accreditation scheme.
