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‘Heads Up’ – Christmas Opening 2024

First of all, we would like to send out a big Happy Christmas message on behalf of all the volunteers, staff and trustees to all those people who have supported us throughout 2024; whether you are visitors, shoppers or event participants many thanks for your custom, good will and kind comments. It really is appreciated!

As per normal the museum closes at 4pm on Monday, December 23 BUT reopens again at 10am on Friday, December 27. All other days during the post-Christmas holiday period we’ll be open from 10am until 4pm, with last admissions to the museum at 3pm; last museum shop admission 3.40pm. Don’t forget that there’s lots to see inside so don’t let any poor weather forecasts stop you from visiting.

Before Christmas we hope that some of you might call in for those last minute presents, whilst after Christmas you’ll be desperate to spend that money you’ve been given. Don’t forget that we’ll also be closed on Wednesday, January 1, but open again on Thursday, January 2. Throughout the latter half of 2024 we have resisted the pressing need to increase our admission prices, however from 2nd January, 2025 there will be a small increase to our admission prices. This will in part help us meet some of the extra costs that we are currently facing in these challenging times.

As ever for those of you who can consider the Gift Aided admission, please do so as it makes a huge impact on our income from the tax that we are able to claim back from HMRC.

During the period after Christmas the café will be operating as normal and is an ideal stop off point to warm up and recharge the fuel tanks before continuing to look around the museum.

Christmas Shoppers Beware

If by any chance the weather turns wintery and there are no visitors in the museum after 3pm, the museum may close early to allow the staff to get home during daylight. So as not to be disappointed by the museum being closed, please don’t leave your shopping trip until late afternoon!


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