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Training Sessions for Working Members

Last year as part of our commitment “To invest in people and to encourage an enhanced personal involvement in the museum and its collection” one of our working members developed a set of training sessions for the museum.

These sessions have been developed by Mike Lemon. They are based on his diverse experience in the aviation sector and the National Aviation Heritage Skills Initiative sessions that we previously hosted at the museum. The sessions form part of our induction process for new working members at the museum and help enhance the skills of the existing working members.

The date for the next session is Tuesday the 27th March and it will give an overview of "Maintenance Planning within an Airline".

Because of content, it will be delivered in two sessions – 1030 to 1230, and 1330 to 1530; these will be hosted in the Dambusters Hut at the museum. Each session will be available for a maximum of 20 museum members. Anyone who would like to participate can sign up on the sheets at the museum, or you can send through an email using this link


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